Titanium’s Take on the Top 10 Marketing Trends of 2022

Jan 31 | Written By Titanium Staff

After careful review from our culturally diverse team of experts, these are the top ten trends on our radar this year. One trend that has not been included on our list is “diversity and inclusion.” The simple reason for this is that we do not consider it a trend or any such hot topic that is here one year and gone the next. As you read on, you will see that we have weaved in diversity and inclusion notes where appropriate, but we urge you to keep your own DEI lens on at all times. Continue to address the hard questions, not only consider what is in fashion or on point, as you make your plans to head out into the marketplace. You will see the difference it makes.  

In no particular order…

 #1 Video, Video, Video and more Video
Short-form video content took off in 2020 and it is still going strong 2 years later.  First it was Tik Tok, but now brands have Instagram Reels and YouTube Shorts to reach their consumers. The most important reason to keep making video content is that it gives one of the highest ROI for marketers. For 2022 specifically, make sure your content is speaking to and reaching a diverse audience. The best way to do this is by examining who is creating the content.

#2 Add Audio to the Mix
Yes, video is the leader, but audio is next in line to grab the limelight.  There is power in audio content, and there is even something worth looking into called 3D audio.  With spatial technology and such features that create immerse, surround-like sound, brands have another layer to consider by taking advantage of multi-sensory elements. 

#3 The Web3
The next evolution of the World Wide Web is Web3 (or Web 3.0), a decentralized internet based on blockchain.  Basically, it melds the line between digital and physical realms, and marketers will need to start thinking about how and who they want to engage with in this new dimension.  Some ideas to consider:  sell digital versions of your product to use on the Metaverse, publish limited edition branded content as NFTs and give them to your biggest brand advocates, create coins to reward loyal customers or reward users with crypto for consuming or sharing content.

#4 Metasocieties
If we are able to create our own digital worlds, then do it right from the start and create ones that are inclusive, ethical and accessible.  As you find your way in the metaverse, take this opportunity to foster authentic connections that improve upon what is currently possible in the real world.

#5 Gaming as Marketing
Inside of virtual gaming worlds, it is already possible to dress your avatars in the latest fashions, digitally try on collections exclusively available for purchase, design your own sporting gear or attend an exclusive rock concert, all in the name of marketing.  And there is no slowing down the expansion of branded virtual worlds in 2022.  For the younger generations, the traditional way of advertising via print and television will eventually be completely replaced by marketing to them inside of games. 

#6 Augmented Reality
With over 1.5 billion frequent users of augmented reality (AR) and growing, consumers want to see more AR brand engagement.  This is the next era of digital marketing and advertising, and it will bode well for brands who incorporate diversity and inclusion from the beginning as it is already poised for high consumer engagement.  

#7 Get Smart About Sustainability
Adding a sustainability element to your brand no longer has the same cache as it did in the past.  Consumers are very aware of greenwashing and are holding brands to a higher standard.  The sad truth is many older consumers do not care if you are saving the earth, but the younger generations will use the power of social media to expose any falsities.  Make sure that any sustainability claims you make are backed up or else leave them off of your marketing materials. 

#8 Everything Old is New Again
With all-encompassing digital worlds taking over, it is no surprise that it is being juxtaposed by the rise in nostalgia.  From wired earphones to record-breaking vinyl record sales, consumers are craving the need for the tangible and touchable.  The outdated direct mail piece may have another moment in the sun.  You may be shocked to be looking through your old file folders again to remind yourself of the strategy you once used to reach people in their homes.  Take advantage of all of the targeting data available, get your creative team brainstorming and send something fun to those who are longing to open their mailbox again.

#9 Take the Less is More Approach
Are you taking on more and more with the goal of impacting your bottom line?  Pairing down, focusing and doing a few things really well will ultimately achieve better results.  After going through a pandemic, where and how we spend our time has never been more precious.  This sentiment is even apparent among the new social media apps that are popping up, such as Minus, Social Fever and Offtime where your usage is limited.  Take Minus for example, they aim to raise the quality of content by limiting users to 100 posts for life. This brings smart curation to a whole new level, and it will be interesting to see how advertising and brand engagement fairs under these new restrictions. 

#10 Joy, Play, Optimism and Euphoria
Going into our third year of uncertainty and people are ready for a little sunshine and inspiration.  As evident in childhood, from play comes growth and freedom.  Consumers have been cocooned these past few years and are going through their own personal rebirth.  Match them on their journey, fill your ads with spirit and joy and see positive reactions from your customers and increased engagement. 

Again, we will not be adding inclusivity to our trend list, but we will be making sure we address it at every turn, especially when it comes to partners and new hires on our executive team.  With a diverse team in place, we will automatically and authentically be able to address all different audiences. 

If any of these ideas inspire you to spark a conversation with us, please feel free to reach out to us at ti@titaniumww.com.


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